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I used to use podcasts. Wherever I walk a dog or beat the traffic on my way to, and back from, work, I like to listen to something that I like. When recently I cleared my list of saved podcasts I feel emptiness.

Most of the podcasts are from Simon Sinek and his series “A bit of optimism”. When I finished past episodes I was searching to feel that space.

The series didn’t finish. The new episodes are still released and available in the UK almost each Wednesday, but once played, there is still something that I want to listen further before the next one.

I tried some other podcasts but I didn’t stick with them. Tried some of Hal Elrod but then I found that some of his views are not aligned with mine and stopped.

Once again I reached for a book.

Read More about I kept (reading) listening...
Serving GZIP compressed Favicon with Netlify
Read Time 2 min.

Recently I have been annoyed when my weekly WebPerformance Report email from WebPageTest shows a failure on Compress Transfer.

WebPageTest Optimiation Summary - Compress Transfer - Result D

This failure, reported in red was done by just one small file… favicon.ico.

Firewall for iPhone, iPad and Mac - Lockdown Privacy
Read Time 6 min.

If you follow my page, you’ve probably already come across my post Blocking Ads in Safari on iOS, iPadOS and macOS. In it, I described how to use the built-in Firefox Focus feature to block trackers and ads without unnecessary configuration.

This method won’t work for everyone. Others may opt for AdBlock Plus, which can be set to block ads in Safari similarly to the method described using Firefox Focus. Daily I use Firefox Focus and AdBlock Plus in my Safari browser on my phone.

No matter what you choose, every solution is good with one but…

Publish your content in Google News on Android, iOS and
Read Time 15 min.

Sadly, on 25 April 2025, Google announced the following:

As of today, publishers can no longer add publications to the Publisher Centre. We are making this change as part of a transition to roll out automatically created publication pages later this year.

Publishers with manually created publication pages will continue to have access to customisation features until later this year, when pages will shift to being automatically created.

I am providing the following article for reference only.

Do you have a website or blog where you publish new things, either daily or from time to time?

Do you know that you can publish them in Google News?

Recently, when I read one of the articles on 9to5mac noticed, that after their post they got this neat feature.

Google News button implemented on 9to5mac website

An option to follow their site through Google News.

It gives them an additional way to get more visitors but also convinces them to stay connected with their content.

My first impression was… I want this as well on one of my websites, so I start exploring how to do that. When I did that, I have been surprised at how relatively easy it was without any extra work from myself. By utilising the website RSS Feed and going through initial configuration and approval (that took approximately 2-3 days) my first site was live and posts were updated when published.

This is another reason to say that RSS is not dead and it still matters.

Here is how I did that and how you can do it as well!

Add and use an image sitemap with Hugo
Read Time 3 min.

Not so far ago I elaborated on adding copyright information for images on a Hugo-based website. Through this approach, I managed to learn how to get images per post, then list and use in Schema for Images.

Recently, when I read updated Google image SEO best practices I noticed a section called Use an image sitemap where we read:

“You can provide the URL of images we might not have otherwise discovered by submitting an image sitemap”.

I decided to see how I can implement that into my Hugo website.

I listen to a book
Read Time 4 min.

As much as I am not a fan of reading books, there are some titles that I really would like to go through. There is only one problem, I barely got time to do that.

If I want, I would find the time, but there are so many distractions, that this will still be a challenge.

I even purchased a book months back to read (Simon Sinek - Start With Why). I started, and it was interesting but then I do not come back to it despite leaving it on my desk so each time I am going to bed I see that this is not finished.

Adding FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Schema to Hugo-based website
Read Time 11 min.

Do you write on your website a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and try to answer them? Do you know that putting text on a website is not enough to gain traction? Even if your questions and answers are unique and could be desired by users, they may never find their audience.

Playing with the SEO aspect may help, but if we concentrate only on the surface – visible part, we will still be missing out. What is important is what beneath, just in the background. This is how we can simply describe what is Schema.

Structured data (Schema) is presented on a website in a way that is not visible to an ordinary visitor but processed, when found, by search engines.

Schema is very important and will be even more this year (2023), as mentioned directly by many people at Google.

To get your question-answers into search engines you should put your interest into the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Schema.

Here is how I did this on some of the websites that I made with Hugo.

Read Time 2 min.

Everybody is amazed by Netflix TV Series Wednesday and I can confirm that it’s justified.

This TV series is a bit different, a bit odd, but that kind of odd that we didn’t expect.
