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Thanks to Cloudflare Email Routing, I can accept and send emails in my domain, but still manage them on my ordinary Gmail account. This all is set as I wrote down in my post titled Email in your own domain with Cloudflare (and Gmail)

Over the last week, I faced an issue with emails not being delivered to my mailbox.

Firstly I thought that there was something wrong with Gmail service blocking forwarded messages. The same though had plenty of people using this service and writing their experiences all over the internet.

Read More about When things start to fail... adding Multipath Routing to Cloudflare Email Routing with Email Workers
Virgin Media joining the gang and will start increasing prices in mid-contract
Read Time 3 min.

As a Virgin Media customer for many years, I have always appreciated the fixed price guarantee that I get when I sign a contract. There are no hidden fees or price increases, and I can be confident that my monthly bill will stay the same for the entire contract term. In the month before my contract ends, I will be able to negotiate a new contract or switch to a different provider if I find a better deal.

Unfortunately, Virgin Media has decided to join the trend of other companies and raise their prices. They have notified their customers that their pricing terms will be changing.

As explained by them, price increases are being attributed to rising inflation, which is currently at a 40-year high in the UK.

Publish your content in Bing News and Windows feed... if you are lucky enough
Read Time 5 min.

Recently I wrote about how to Publish your content in Google News on Android, iOS and Looking further I checked if there is such an option in other search engines like… Bing.

Bing is also offering aggregated News in Bing News along with serving this through integration into the Windows operating system.

Users can get their personalized content through Bing and Microsoft Start, Windows, Edge and Office.

Publish your content in Google News on Android, iOS and
Read Time 15 min.

Sadly, on 25 April 2025, Google announced the following:

As of today, publishers can no longer add publications to the Publisher Centre. We are making this change as part of a transition to roll out automatically created publication pages later this year.

Publishers with manually created publication pages will continue to have access to customisation features until later this year, when pages will shift to being automatically created.

I am providing the following article for reference only.

Do you have a website or blog where you publish new things, either daily or from time to time?

Do you know that you can publish them in Google News?

Recently, when I read one of the articles on 9to5mac noticed, that after their post they got this neat feature.

Google News button implemented on 9to5mac website

An option to follow their site through Google News.

It gives them an additional way to get more visitors but also convinces them to stay connected with their content.

My first impression was… I want this as well on one of my websites, so I start exploring how to do that. When I did that, I have been surprised at how relatively easy it was without any extra work from myself. By utilising the website RSS Feed and going through initial configuration and approval (that took approximately 2-3 days) my first site was live and posts were updated when published.

This is another reason to say that RSS is not dead and it still matters.

Here is how I did that and how you can do it as well!

Email in your own domain with Cloudflare (and Gmail)
Read Time 5 min.

If you have your own domain and you are unable to receive and send emails from this address because it involves additional costs, Cloudflare has prepared the perfect solution for you.

Email Routing (email forwarding) is a free service worth considering.

To use this option, our domain must be managed on Cloudflare’s DNS servers. If we have MX (mail) records for another service, we will need to delete and replace them.

Email Routing involves setting an email address in the domain from which each email received will be forwarded to another mailbox.

If your business email address is on a Gmail domain, why not start using email on your own domain. You will gain more prestige and professionalism, even though nothing will really change for you, because we will continue to receive mail on the mailbox that you have been using so far.
