Posts with Tag


Recently, I have been in contact with several people who have been thanking me for posting articles that have helped them significantly with their technological struggles or in easing their issues.

Some of them have been so happy that they would like to know how to donate a bit to support the cause. While this gesture is appreciated, most of the activities on my site are non-profit.

I used to have ads displayed on my website when it was hosted on WordPress. However, after migrating to Hugo, I soon realized that despite the speed benefits, the web performance was being compromised due to ads served through Google AdSense.

I managed to significantly reduce the costs for my website, so I decided to take the step of removing ads altogether, and I have been happy with this decision.

Read More about Implementing Google Adsense without affecting site performance
WebDev Hugo
Supercharge your headings in Hugo with Render Hooks
Read Time 13 min.

The great thing about Hugo, a static site generator, is that it got a lot of options for customisation and more are constantly added.

There are templates embedded into it, but they can be easily overridden by custom templates, like headings, through render hooks.

WebDev Hugo
Setting hreflang and x-default on multilingual site (with Hugo)
Read Time 6 min.

Setting a hreflang meta tag on your multilingual website shall be as simple as a piece of cake. Just put the relevant meta tag on your website, refer to the translated version and on translated version refer back to the original one.

Looks as simple as that. End of story? Wrong!

Blog WebDev
Escape from Bing Jail
Read Time 13 min.

My post about Bing Jail gained a bit of attention (a lot!). With the traction, there is hate, but I could expect that as well. There was a bit of conversation in the comments on Hacker News which gives me valuable feedback.

This short, post scriptum post is not an explanation but rather my experience on the following days. My site reappear in Bing search for one day to be manually removed (blocked) the day after where Bing Support, who surprisingly responded, start looking into the case.

Blog WebDev
Bing Jail
Read Time 8 min.

My personal site has been recently penalized by Bing, or if you prefer different naming for it - secretly blacklisted or shadowbanned. Don’t know exactly why but by the end of January 2023 I lost every indexed page that had been in Bing.

Serving GZIP compressed Favicon with Netlify
Read Time 2 min.

Recently I have been annoyed when my weekly WebPerformance Report email from WebPageTest shows a failure on Compress Transfer.

WebPageTest Optimiation Summary - Compress Transfer - Result D

This failure, reported in red was done by just one small file… favicon.ico.

Simple implementation of PWA on a website with a Mobile First Design approach
Read Time 9 min.

If you read my other post, you will find out that I recently rediscovered Progressive Web Apps (PWA).

Following this lead, I decided to implement it on the websites, where our main audience browses it from mobile phones. Later I decided to implement it gradually on all of my websites, independently of whether the main audience is on mobile or desktop. As you will see, PWA is quite useful for desktop users as well.

Simplified way of adding a favicon to the website
Read Time 4 min.

If you are not a first time on my website you already know, that I like simplifying things and using a minimal approach with a complex solution. Overall, if something complex can be done that same, but simple, why not try?

This time I want to cover Favicon during website design.

“A favicon is a browser icon that represents a brand or website. Most often seen next to a web page’s title in browser tabs, favicons can also be found in address bars, bookmark lists, search results pages, toolbars, browser history, and other places across the web.”

What is a favicon? @

I don’t want to reinvent the wheel, as there is already a perfect solution for that, well written and documented by Andrey Sitnik from Evil Martian.

Blog WebDev
Rediscovering Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
Read Time 3 min.

Over the last years, I forget about something called Progressive Web Apps (PWA) until one day I added to my Home Screen a bookmark to Homebridge, and, believe me, or not, I do not add bookmarks that way very often.

When I added this bookmark to my Home Screen on iOS I noticed, that it looks unusual. The icon was like a native app. When I click on the icon it didn’t open inside Safari like other bookmarks but it run on full screen like a normal native app.

Of course, it was still Safari in the background but highly limited to the scope of that single website, that it feels like a native. It certainly can be confused with an app.

Hugo Blog
Revisiting after 3 months (a Hugo based website)
Read Time 6 min.

Just today, on the 23rd of July Yummy Recipes UK is celebrating the third month from the lunch of the website. We (me, from the development side, and my friend, from the content) didn’t see what was coming.

At the lunch the ambitions were high, but also reality brings us down a bit, as we saw plenty of cooking websites around that we will need to compete with.

During the first two months social media, mainly Facebook, dominates in popularity. Over 1000 people on average viewed each recipe that we shared, whereas our website got only a portion of visits.
