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Google Images

Not so far ago I elaborated on adding copyright information for images on a Hugo-based website. Through this approach, I managed to learn how to get images per post, then list and use in Schema for Images.

Recently, when I read updated Google image SEO best practices I noticed a section called Use an image sitemap where we read:

“You can provide the URL of images we might not have otherwise discovered by submitting an image sitemap”.

I decided to see how I can implement that into my Hugo website.

Read More about Add and use an image sitemap with Hugo
Hugo WebDev
Adding copyright information for images on Hugo based website
Read Time 5 min.

As you are aware, when you create your post with images and publish them on your website, sooner or later they will appear on Google.

Your article will land in Search Results and images will be shown in Google Images.

Sometimes you are taking a lot of effort into your images and restricting their use by providing specific disclaimers or copyright information on your website.

The problem is that Google does not always know that and when you search for an image, that is sourced from your website, the image may be copyright restricted.

The user, who is searching through, will not know that as well and he may come into trouble. This may result in a fine that may need to be paid to the rightful owner.
