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Have you seen Sky Mobile’s “It’s not me, its you” ads on billboards lately?

Well, in recent weeks there has been quite a change to the benefit of consumers, especially mobile phone users.

Mobile phones are everyday life. In the UK, this sector is a huge business, especially since the island pays a little differently and you can afford slightly better phones on a monthly subscription.

Personally, I am not and never have been a supporter of subscriptions in the UK. Therefore, the introduction of the requirement of easy operator change and even easier number portability using only text messages (SMS) became something groundbreaking, so I decided to take a look at it.

Read More about How to Switch Mobile Network in the United Kingdom
Quidco - get your £5
Read Time 5 min.

I have never been too convinced about websites that offer the so-called Cashback, i.e. partial refund of costs incurred for purchases from selected sellers. When I moved to Monzo, I started following their forum (community), reading the opinions of other users whether it works and if so, how much money can you get back on this by making purchases that you would do anyway.
